Califloral Boutique
Commercial, Boutique
Bukit Jalil
Modern Chic
Owner's Vision
In the design world, chic interior design typically means elegant, fashionable and trendy. In this project, we were tasked to to create a more distinct style that not only ladies love but men admire as well.
Owner's Vision
In the design world, chic interior design typically means elegant, fashionable and trendy. In this project, we were tasked to to create a more distinct style that not only ladies love but men admire as well.
To chic up the space, we had to be more daring and bold when it comes to combining colors and mixing of materials used. By doing so, we would then be able to give the boutique a more distinguishable character, making it more playful, fun, relaxing and spacious. At the end of the day, the modern chic boutique is like a lady with very less make up but is fashionably dressed up.